Maximum residue limits search
Note: The use of a pesticide on a crop is product specific, therefore, the establishment of a
Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) on a pesticide-crop combination does not authorize the use of all products containing that
active ingredient on the crop.
Always refer to the product’s label instructions to confirm which crops are registered for use in Canada for that product.
This search allows you to search for the maximum residue limits information available to the public.
Note: The residue definitions for all chemicals, the residue chemistry crop groups and the Proposed Maximum Residue Limit (PMRL) documents are available on the MRL webpage.
Search query
Search results
(May need to scroll to see all columns)
Chemical Common Name | Food Commodity | MRL Value (ppm) | Comments | Established Via |
NOTE: This page will only display search results for the first 10,000 records. For a full record set, please download and view the results as CSV.