Complaint and Violation Report

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Mandatory Pesticide Incident Reporting (Registrants and Applicants)

In accordance with the Pest Control Products Incident Reporting Regulations, pesticide registrants and applicants are required to report to the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) all incidents associated with their products.

If you are submitting a Mandatory Pesticide Incident Report, please use Mandatory Pesticide Incident Reporting form for Registrants and Applicants.

Report a Pesticide Incident (Public)

A pesticide incident is a negative effect (adverse reaction) to humans, animals (pets or livestock) or the environment (plants or wildlife) that can result from being exposed to a pesticide. Pesticide incidents include:

  • Effects to humans, such as skin rash, headache or nausea
  • Effects to a domestic animal like a pet or farm animal, such as vomiting, bleeding or itchy skin
  • Effects to the environment, such as dead fish or birds or yellowed leaves
  • Problems with pesticide containers, such as a leaking container, misfiring spray can or blocked nozzle.

For more information on submitting an incident report, please visit Health Canada’s webpage: Report a Pesticide Incident.

For complaints or suspected violations of the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA), please use the Form below.

1. SubmitterInstruction 1

The personal information provided under this section is kept confidential in accordance with the Privacy Act. The personal information is needed to determine if there is any further follow-up required with the submitter for more information.

2. Suspected violatorInstruction 2

3. ProductsInstruction 3

You can have up to 3 pesticide products. Click on the "Add more products" button to add additional products. Click on the "Remove Product" button to remove a product.

Product # {{$index + 1}}


4. Complaint or suspected violationInstruction 4


5. AttachmentsInstruction 5

Note: There is a known issue with Internet Explorer that may impact your ability to upload attachments. If you experience any difficulties in uploading attachments, please try one of the following:
  • Use another browser,
  • Close and restart Internet Explorer, or
  • Restart your computer.

Add any additional attachments you wish to include in the online form.

6. AuthorizationInstruction 6

I authorize Health Canada to provide my contact information to the manufacturer / importer / distributor or user, in order to facilitate verification of compliance, if necessary (required)
I authorize Health Canada to release the contents of this report and refer my complaint / incident and product details to another organization outside Health Canada to facilitate verification of compliance, if necessary (required)
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