Voluntary Incident Report

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Mandatory Pesticide Incident Reporting (Registrants and Applicants)

In accordance with the Pest Control Products Incident Reporting Regulations, pesticide registrants and applicants are required to report to the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) all incidents associated with their products.

If you are submitting a Mandatory Pesticide Incident Report, please use Mandatory Pesticide Incident Reporting form for Registrants and Applicants.

Complaint and Violation Report Form

If you are submitting a suspected violation related to pest control products, please use Complaint and Violation Report Form.


  • Complete a separate form for each incident.
  • It is important to provide as much information as possible. The more information collected the better understanding the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) will have of the incident.
  • Do not include information in the report form that could lead to the identification of an individual. Examples include doctor’s names, hospital names, etc. This information will not be added to our records.
  • If there is not enough space provided for you to answer the question, you may include more information in an attachment.

1. ReporterInstruction 1

2. ProductInstruction 2


3. IncidentInstruction 3

  Incident location

  Incident details



4. AttachmentsInstruction 4

Note: There is a known issue with Internet Explorer that may impact your ability to upload attachments. If you experience any difficulties in uploading attachments, please try one of the following:
  • Use another browser,
  • Close and restart Internet Explorer, or
  • Restart your computer.

Add any additional attachments you wish to include in the online form.

  Privacy notice statement
  Security notice